Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Educational History Is Not An Accurate Reflection Of...
My educational history is not an accurate reflection of the student that I am today. Throughout high school and into college I struggled immensely with my studies for different reasons, personal and professional. One day, a few months ago, I realized that I have been traveling along the wrong road for a very long time. I am 23 years old, and I do not have much to show for my years on this earth. That was the morning I made the decision that I was going to turn my life around. I re-enrolled in college at Hawaii Pacific University. Honestly, I was shocked that they accepted me, even with their relatively high acceptance rate. I was shocked because my track record at the previous two universities I attended left much to be desired. My first attempt at a college education was at American Military University. I was forced to drop my classes there because I was sent from my unit at Fort Campbell to Fort Huachuca during the last three weeks of class, where I had no internet connectivity, ev en though my chain of command knew that I was enrolled in classes. My superiors setting me up for failure like that left a bad taste in my mouth, and I did not attempt to enroll in college again until there was a change in command. My next attempt at college education was at Limestone College and the attempt came while I was deployed in Afghanistan. This attempt brought me down to a 2.0 GPA. Going off all the stories I had heard from senior Non-Commissioned Officers about their past deployments,Show MoreRelatedMy Reasons For Becoming A Teacher Essay1586 Words  | 7 PagesMy reasons for choosing to become a teacher were nicely summed up by the quote cited in chapter 1, â€Å"...If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation, if you want to make a difference in the life of a child – become a teacher. Your country needs you.†(President Obama, State of the Union, 1/25/11). Some of the reasons that I relate to are a desire to make a difference in students lives, a desire to serve, and excitement about the learning process. I want what I do professionallyRead MoreInclusion And Full Of Half Truths Essay1210 Words  | 5 Pagesthat culturally responsive teaching connects students by their cultural knowledge, prior life experiences, in a way that legitimized and validated what students already know. 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