Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Atonement Essay example - 1591 Words
Atonement nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Atonement in the larger sense deals with a common factor which is sin. The definition is a making at on which points to a process of bringing those who are enstranged into a unity(Douglas, 107). It is a theological term which derives from the Anglo-Saxon. The word atonement appears eighty seven times in the Old Testament in the RSV Bible(Nelson, 55). According to Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, which is using the King James Version, appears seventy seven times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. In Leviticus, atonement appears fifty one times, more than any other book of the bible. In Numbers it appears seventeen times and in Exodus eleven times. The reason why it is used so†¦show more content†¦Words associated with Kopher are redemption, price, bribe, camphire, pitch, ransom, satisfaction, village. An interesting side point to the word Kopher is that it also denotes finger nail polish. Oriental females make a powder of camphire leaves then made the powder into a paste by use of water and put in on their finger which gave them a reddish color. The word camphire comes from the same root as atonement just as a sinner could pray for a colorful cover for his soul that was ruined by sin. Or Kippur means expiation but only in the plural. Expiation is found numerous times in the Old Testament for example in 2 Samuel 21:3, 1 Chronicles 6:49, and 2 Chronicles 29:24. The denominative verb which is to make an atonement, make reconciliation, or to purge is or Kapar. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are three parent nouns for atonement and they are Koper, Kippur, and Kapporet. Koper or means ransom or gift to secure favor. Exodus 30:12 and Isaiah 43:3 uses ransom and this is parallel to the word redeem. In 1 Samuel 12:3 Koper is used as quot;bribequot;. Kapar means to atone by offering a substitute. This may be better understood if you use ransom with Koper (Harris, 453). Kippur or is used in the quot;Day of the Atonementquot;. This was celebrated by a special sin offering for the whole nation and only the high priest could be allowed to sacrifice a goat. A second goat was released as an escape goat to symbolize a total removal ofShow MoreRelatedCritical Essay Atonement2556 Words  | 11 Pages‘ATONEMENT’ Joe Wright’s 2002 feature film ‘Atonement’, based on Ian McEwan’s 2002 critically acclaimed novel of the same name, masterfully adapted for the screen by Christopher Hampton, is at its heart about language and its power; about the way a lie told by a child – inspired by a letter not intended for her eyes – changes the lives of those who hear it; and how that child later longs to make things right again, to restore the indolent simplicity of that summer afternoon through the innocentRead MoreThe Film Atonement By Ian Mcewan1335 Words  | 6 PagesThe 2007 film Atonement was based on Ian McEwan’s original novel which he published in 2001 with the same title. The film was directed by British director Joe Wright and stars actor/ actresses James McAvoy, Keira Knightley, and Saoirse Ronan in this romantic war drama. Filming was done in locations throughout Great Britain, which is where most of the films setup takes place. The film was was nominated for seven Academy Awards and walked away with Best Original Score. Atonement begins in the TallisRead MoreEssay on Atonement by Ian McEwan785 Words  | 4 PagesAtonement by Ian McEwan Atonement comes from an at onement, the idea being that penance and suffering allows us to be at one with God or ourselves. The central theme of atonement is that of seeking forgiveness. This is manifested through the characters and their actions. In the book Atonement by Ian McEwan, the act carried out by Briony sets of a chain of events, for which either atonement is sought or society seeks atonement from. Brionys character is described as being compulsivelyRead MoreWho Killed Robbie And Cecilia? 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The significance and impor tance that was placed in blood atonement, through animal sacrifice, no longer has the same affect in Judaism traditions because of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, yet blood atonement can still be found heavily regarded by FLDS, as they hold to the belief that Jesus’s shedding of blood on the cross is notRead MoreThe Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ- The Atonement Essay2948 Words  | 12 Pagesfalse doctrine concerning the `Person of Christ then there will automatically be flaws in his work. Arians, Sucinians and Unitarians. These all denied Christ as the Divine son, in turn rejecting the atonement. Also the `Non-Subscribing Presbyterians (Unitarian) will deny the Blood Atonement. The 2 Natures Of Christ There is a need for a proper view of the Deity and Humanity of Christ. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Jawhar Gram Samridhi Yojna Free Essays
Its name then got changed to Jawhar Gram Samridhi Yojna . lt was started on 1 April 1999. The main aim of this programme was development of rural infrastructure. We will write a custom essay sample on Jawhar Gram Samridhi Yojna or any similar topic only for you Order Now Belief that good rural infrastructure would give rise to many opportunities which poor rural people could benefit and improve their condition. Infrastructure like roads to connect the village to different area, which made the village more accessible and also other social, educational(schools) and Infrastructure Ilke hospitals. Its secondary objective was to give out sustained wage employment. This was only given to BPL (below the poverty ine)famllnder was to be spent for Individual beneficiary schemes for SCS and ST’s and 3% for establishment of barrier free infrastructure for the disabled people. The village panchayats were one of the main governing body of this programme. There it did not feel like an outsider was controlling it, the village panchayats were a part of the people and understood their needs. ThOOO 1841. 80 crore was used and they had a target of 8. 57 lakh works, 5. 07 lakh works were completed during 1999-2000. Employment Assurance Scheme(EAS) This scheme was started on 1 October 1993. It was first started in 1772 backward areas In 257 districts. The revamped public distribution system was in operation here. It was later expanded to all the 5448 rural blocks of the country. The employment assurance scheme was later renamed red In 1999-2000 to the single wage employment programme. The maln objective was to create wage employment opportunities through manual work for the people inrea living below 13/12/2012 7:31 PM http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/poverty_alleviation_programmes_in_lndia the poverty line in the time of acute shortage of wage employment. The other objective is creation of durable community and social and economic for sustained employment and development of the poor. This scheme is available all the poor andy people living below the poverty line who cannot help themselves. preto SC and STs and also to parents of children those who have Just been saved from child labour and from haz ardous working conditions who are bellow the poverty line. Also only 2 adults of the family are given wage employment. This programme is carried out and implemented through Zilla parishads and in those states where Zilla parishads are not there, it is implemented through DRDA’s. The Zilla parishads finalize all the works in their Jurisdiction which is approved by the MP’s(members of parliament)The zliia arisahds are allowed to spend 15% of the funds for the maintenance of the assets formed and created under this scheme. During 1999 and 2000 they had an target of 4091. 63 mandays, 2566. 39 lakh mandays were created and the total allocation of funds during that year was 2431. 46 crore and the amount that was used was Rs 1998. 6 crore. National Old Age Pension Scheme(NOAPS) As the name suggest this scheme provided pension to old people who were above the age of 65 who could not fend for them selves and did not have any means of substinence. The pension that was given was Rs 200 a month. This pension is given y the central government. The Job of implementation of this scheme in states and u nion territories is given to panchayats and municipalities. The states contribution may vary depending on the state. National Family Benefit Scheme(NFBS) This scheme was started in August 1995 by GO’. This scheme is sponsored by the state government. It was transferred to the state sector scheme after 2002-03. It is under the community and rural department. This scheme provides a sum of 10000Rs to a person of a family who become the head of the family after the death of its primary breadwinner. A breadwinner is a person who is above 18 who earns the ost for the family and the family survives on his/her earnings. It is for families below the poverty line. National Maternity Benefit Scheme This scheme provides a sum of 500 Rs to a pregnant mother for the first two live births. The women have to be older than 19 years of age. It is given normally 12-8 weeks DeTore tne Dlrtn ana In case 0T tne aeatn 0T tne cn110 tne women can stlll avall it. The NSAP is implemented by states and union territories with the help of panchayats and municipalities. During 1999-2000 the total allocation of funds for this scheme was 767. 05 crores and the amount used was Rs 596. 99 crores. ANNAPURNA This scheme was started by the government in 1999-2000 to provide food to senior citizens who cannot take care of themselves and are not under the targeted public distribution system(TPDS), and who have no one to take care of them in their village. How to cite Jawhar Gram Samridhi Yojna, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Essentials To Managerial Accounting Engage -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Essentials To Managerial Accounting Engage? Answer: Introduction: This case is about Hawthorn Leisure Works which offers tennis court and other physical fitness facilities to its members. Their revenue is from membership fee and court fee. They want to change their fee structure and regarding that an analysis need to be done in comparison to their old plan. They want to analyse as if new plan regarding fee structure will help to improve the revenue or not (Lalli, 2011). They are planning to remove the court fees from their revenue structure and merge the student segment with the individual segment. There were total 2000 members in the old plan and 70% of those members will continue their membership in the new plan. The new plan consist of only the membership fee and no court fee is there in the new plan. They are estimating that the court fee will be recovered by them with their new plan within six months of the implementation. They further estimate that the new plan will increase the revenue as compared to the old plan. A complete analysis is made regarding the revenues of the HLWs in their old plan as well in their new plan (Heisinger, 2009) Annual membership fees(old plan) Individual $ 45.00 Student $ 30.00 Family $ 100.00 Total Members 2000 Family 1000 Individual 500 Student 500 10 Courts and 12 hours per day Peak tennis season October to April Court fees Days 181 Capacity (5pm to 9pm) 90%-100% Avg. 95% $12 per hour Capacity(9am to 4pm) 50%-60% Avg. 55% $8 per hour Off season May to September Days 184 Court usage(Capacity) 20%-40% Avg. 30% $ 6 per hour Old Plan( Revenue) Amount Membership Fees Individual $ 22,500.00 Student $ 15,000.00 Family $ 1,00,000.00 Court Fees Peak Season 5pm-9pm $ 82,536.00 9am-4pm $ 63,712.00 Off Season $ 39,744.00 Total Revenue $ 3,23,492.00 New Plan of annual membership fees Individual $ 300.00 Family $ 500.00 Promotional( for complete year) Individual $ 250.00 Family $ 450.00 New Plan (Revenue) Amount Membership Fees Normal Individual $ 75,000.00 Family $ 1,25,000.00 Promotional Individual $ 1,12,500.00 Family $ 2,02,500.00 Total Revenue $ 5,15,000.00 Yes, the new membership plan and fee structure improve the ability to plan the cash receipts as under the new plan the membership fee is only there and no court fee is there as any member can use the court at any time without paying any fee. Although the no. of members in the new plan have decreased from 2000 to 1700 but still the revenue increased in comparison to old plan. The increase in revenue will improve the fee structure and the new plan is worthy for company. (Johnson, 2014). The sales revenue will increase resulting from the planned change in the fee structure for next financial year (Drury, 2005). They changed their revenue structure as earlier the revenue was from membership fee and court fee and in the new plan the revenue is only from the membership fee but still there is considerable increase in the revenue with the implementation of new plan. The sales revenue under old plan was $ 3, 23,492.00 and the sales revenue under new plan $ 5, 15,000.00. The assumption made by me is regarding the calculation of court fees as the percentage range is given for the occupancy of the court. So, I took the average of the given range. As either we need to take any of the upper or lower range or average of the range one fixed criteria need to be followed. HLW should accept the new plan as the revenue will increase and the complexity of managing the fee structure will decrease on part of the management. The members will also be happy as there will be no separate fee regarding court usage (Clowes Scriven, 2015). The fall in the no. of members will be combat by the new fee structure very soon as the membership fee increased as compared to the old plan. Conclusion: As per the analysis being done regarding the acceptance of new plan or continuing with the old plan it is recommended to accept the new plan as the revenue got increased (Barney, 2014). The revenue under old plan was $ 323492 and the revenue as per the new plan is $ 515000. The benefit is clearly there and no other contention is required to support the new plan. References: Barney, J. B. 2014,Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Pearson Higher Ed. Clowes, R Scriven, V 2015, Budgeting: A Practical Approach, Pearson Higher Education AU. Drury, C 2005, Management Accounting for Business, Cengage Learning EMEA. Goektuerk, H 2007, Activity Based Costing (ABC) - Advantages and Disadvantages, GRIN Verlag. Heisinger, K 2009, Essentials to Managerial Accounting, Cengage Learning. Johnson, P. F. 2014,Purchasing and Supply Management, McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Lalli, W. R. 2011, Handbook of Budgeting, John Wiley Sons. Potts, Keith, and Ankrah, N 2014,Construction Cost Management: learning from case studies, Routledge. Wiese, N 2009, Activity Based Costing, GRIN Verlag.
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